Ethiopia Theory of Change Audience Analysis Meeting Report

From acgg ilriwikis

Ethiopia Audience Analysis/ Message Development The objective of the whole process is to offer an organisational methodology for advocacy-communications on key issues, and a framework within which work could be undertaken on these issues. It is not directive. It does not seek to set down messages to be delivered to audiences in projects, regions or countries. It seeks to ensure coherence in messaging and offers a structure to facilitate cooperation.

It presumes that messages will be adapted to meet local contexts, but seeks to avoid that organizations produce conflicting messages. Moreover, it is hoped this methodology will be useful to regional offices in adapting organizational messages to region- and project-specific messages. This is a two-way iterative process, where information from region, country and project level would ideally be used to improve the precision of messaging at international level.

The ACGG Ethiopia message report can be found below: File:Ethiopia_ ACGG Theory of Change Audience Analysis Messages Plans.pdf